The Struggle for Northern Epirus
Συντονιστής: Νέοι
The Struggle for Northern Epirus
από Never Surrender » 01:55 am 30 04 2007
The Struggle for Northern Epirus
Hellenic Army General Staff: Army History Directorate
Series/ Number [Distribution item]
Pages/Illustr. xxix+572 p.
Status: In Print & Available
ISBN: 960-7897-40-4
An account of the history of the evolution of the Northern Epirus question and a detailed recounting of the events following the Greek uprising and Declaration of Autonomy (February 1914), the evacuation of Northern Epirus by the Hellenic Army, the uprising of Korytsa, battle operations, the Corfu Protocol, the reoccupation by the Hellenic Army, World War I, the evolution of the issue through World War II. 28 sketchmaps and 44 photogaphs. An official publication of the Army History Directorate of the Hellenic Army General Staff, Athens, translated and produced in English by Aristide D. Caratzas, Publisher.
Our Price: $36.00
Hellenic Army General Staff: Army History Directorate
Series/ Number [Distribution item]
Pages/Illustr. xxix+572 p.
Status: In Print & Available
ISBN: 960-7897-40-4
An account of the history of the evolution of the Northern Epirus question and a detailed recounting of the events following the Greek uprising and Declaration of Autonomy (February 1914), the evacuation of Northern Epirus by the Hellenic Army, the uprising of Korytsa, battle operations, the Corfu Protocol, the reoccupation by the Hellenic Army, World War I, the evolution of the issue through World War II. 28 sketchmaps and 44 photogaphs. An official publication of the Army History Directorate of the Hellenic Army General Staff, Athens, translated and produced in English by Aristide D. Caratzas, Publisher.
Our Price: $36.00
Never Surrender - Συντονιστής
- Δημοσιεύσεις: 937
- Εγγραφή: 18:31 pm 29 06 2006
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